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Primary bacteria powder series

Enterococcus Faecium

release unit:     release time:2019-8-28 15:35:13     

Main element:                                                                                                                   

Enterococcus faecium, fermentation metabolites.



Biological feature:                                                                                       

Enterococcus faecium is one kind normal commensal bacteria in intestinal tract, the cell is globate or ovate, its size is 0.6-20μm×0.6-2.5μm, it is  didymous or short chain in the liquid culture medium. E. faecium is gram-positive and facultative anaerobic , with no spore. It is chemoheterotrophy and it can ferment a wide range carbohydrate, mainly produce L(+)-lactic acid, but not aerosis.  The growing temperature is 10 to 50℃, the optium temperature is 42℃, it can also grow under the PH value of 9.6, the 6.5% NaCl and the cholate of  40%, so it can resist the hyperhaline and high bile medium culture. 


Total living bacteria colony count: 3 billion CFU/g, 10 billion CFU/g and also can be customized according to customer's demand.

Using scope:                                                                                                                     

As feed additive for livestock and poultry, and aquatic animals; wine making.

Main function:                                                                                                                                                           

a. To ferment the grain raw material before wine making, it can markedly reduce the aspergilus toxin and increase the alcoholicity after the grain is fermented by the E. faecium for 6 hours.

b. To add the E. faecium in  animal feed can improve feed conversion ratio of 6-10%.

c. To use it in the mariculture, when the sea water is eutrophic, to use this products in the water, it can decrease the motality of aquatic animals. 

d. To balance the intestinal flora of animals, enhance the immunity.


Put it in a cool, dry and shady place.

Shelf life:                                                                                                    

18 months.

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